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Hops is one of the last scopes of application to which Celli devoted during its research and development activity, focused on new solutions for meeting the market requests: as a result, the company is capable of designing machines capable of solving specific problems for those who work in the fields every day.
In fact, one of the last novelties of the company, a version of the ERGON 120 rotary tiller provided with front roller, has been specially designed for hops crops. It is available in different widths for better adjusting to the dimensions of the space between lines in these plantations. It is capable of compacting the grassy lawn, thus improving the result of the next cutting operation; this operation allows to avoid the use of chemical herbicides.
Celli has already patented the combined system of compacting and cutting of this new machine. The latter expands the range of solutions that perfectly match the requirements of organic agriculture, already fairly widespread in several markets, for example the German market. This is due to the fact that this machine provides minimal soil processing and a compost effect can be naturally obtained. Also for this machine, no better occasion than Agritechnica for preview presentation!