
Il 2019 di Celli? All’insegna dello sviluppo

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Sede Celli

The growth of Celli does not seem to be interrupted, which also in 2019 continues its research and development program to continue to be a protagonist on the national and international market.

On the one hand, the company is continuing to invest in upgrading its solutions, with updates and innovations that are of particular interest to professional machines such as bed formers and stone buriers; the range, which already has over 100 models of 10 different types, is now integrated with modular solutions, able to perform different types of soil preparation.

Likewise, another area of development is represented by the combined machines for working and sowing the soil; more and more interest, moreover, plays the world of organic farming, which continues to give great satisfaction, particularly on foreign markets, as confirmed also by the recent participation of the company in Sima Paris.

On the other hand, focus abroad is reflected in the company’s turnover, 70% of which is exported; in this sense, today Celli looks with extreme attention to the development and its consolidation on markets such as Asia and South America.
At the same time, the company is investing internally, in process and logistic optimization, with a view to increase production performance even more. Already in 2018, Celli recorded a 4% increase in turnover compared to the previous year, following a positive trend that has now been going on for some years; also the result of the approximately 4000 annual units produced, increasingly customized to meet the needs expressed by the market.

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