
Le frese Celli per l’agricoltura che rispetta l’ambiente

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A forward-looking company that pays attention to market signals should take the remarkable and steady development of organic agriculture into account. It is no coincidence that Celli has already produced solutions in compliance with the precepts of the branch for a few years.

The last model produced, PIONEER P 140 BIO, is a fixed tiller that prepares the seed bed, avoiding soil erosion and compaction, and controlling grass weeds but with the advantage of maintaining the structure and moisture of soil. Soil finishing obtained is appropriate for growing vegetables, grapes, and fruit as well as for field crops like corn, oat, etc.

In addition to PIONEER P 140 BIO, other models from Celli range are available, either fixed (like ERGON and TIGER) or folding (TIGER 280 and SUPER TIGER 360 P). These solutions allow minimum tillage thanks to sharp blades that, due to the effect of a specially created fan, drop the cut material to the ground so that it can be used as compost, preparing the action of the seeder. Besides, the high power of the machines remarkably reduces the time required for the operations, thus reducing also environmental impact and consumption.

Thanks to these solutions studied by the technical department, and thanks to a long experience in the production of tillers, Celli is getting excellent feedback also abroad, especially in Austria, Switzerland and Germany, countries in which organic crops have been widespread for a long time and that France and United States are progressively joining.


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