
G190 Spading machine

HP 120-190   KW 88-140
Vangatrice con bielle smontabili G190

Technical specifications and standard equipment

  • maximum horsepower: 190 HP (139 KW)
  • PTO: 4-speed gearbox for 1000 rpm
  • oil bath lubrication and waterproof seal system
  • 2nd/3rd category 3-point hitch
  • rear tailgate
  • working depth adjustment with skids or with cylindrical wheels ø 500 x 225 mm with threaded bar adjustment
  • spades: 180 x 270 mm; 210 x 270 mm
  • drive shaft with clutch
  • safety devices

Optional accessories

  • Drive shaft with clutch safety device L>1000 mm
  • Drive shaft with automatic safety device L<1000 mm
  • Drive shaft with automatic safety device L>1000 mm
  • Rear rakes in place of tailgate Rear PTO
  • Combined hitch set-up with power harrow or rotary tiller (1) It can be combined with RANGER power harrow
  • Oil cooling kit with radiator

(1) always add the rear PTO

Spading machines are known for solving deep soil processing problems in conditions that would be prohibitive for other tools. These machines eliminate bottom soil hardpan (deep layer of compacted soil), thus improving the deep circulation of water and aeration of the soil. Since these machines do not require any traction efforts, they can be used without issue in wet ground conditions and on sloping ground. They also reduce erosion by keeping the size of the clods at a medium level. Numerous improvements have been introduced with the implementation of this updated model, which include:

  • Redesigned frame for greater rigidity and lower risk of clogging (models 310 and 350)
  • Soil containment side panels and redesigned safety devices for better work efficiency
  • New accessories, such as different types of wheels and the hydraulic adjustment of the wheel positions.

The G190 is completely lubricated with oil, eliminating the need for long daily greasing operations. The rod/crank gear mechanism is particularly robust and tested. Maximum working depth is about 40 cm.  

Ideal for:

Working with medium/large tractors  ·  Cultivating heavy and sticky soil  ·  Working soil in depth  ·  Preparing large fields quickly  ·  Breaking up the hardest soil  ·  Eliminating soil compacting  ·  Burying abundant crop residue  ·  Operating in very wet ground conditions   ·  
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