12 - 15 October 2017 · Bari
Stone burriers, mulchers, harrows, seeders, tillers and rippers: the range of Celli machinery for tillage is ready to be entirely shown at Agrilevante 2017, the international exhibition planned in Bari from 12 to 15 October.
In the exhibition space available (Hall NUOVO, Booth A/14), the company will show some of the most innovative solutions, like MIZAR, mulcher with single disc among rows, and LOTHAR stone burrier, able to process and finish the hardest and stoniest soil to a depth of 25 cm. The following items are also shown: ENERGY power harrow with lifting device, VENERE seeder, VEGA/S side-shift mulcher and E fixed tiller. The latter has been produced since 1970 but is still a point of reference as for reliability. The MINIALCE ripper will also be shown: this is extremely easy to handle thanks to the small dimensions and perfect for processing clay and heavy soil as well as stony soil without risks of clogging.
Celli shows up to the reference exhibition for the Mediterranean market with a selection of one of the most complete machinery range on the market: it includes more than 60 models of 10 different types, able to satisfy any type of customer and to work at all latitudes, in all types of soil and plantation.