
A system for soil disinfection and eco-compatible disinfestation.


Disinfection and eco-compatible disinfestation

Disinfection and disinfestation took place with the use of chemical fumigants until 2005: the most commonly used fumigant was methyl bromide (BM) CH3Br. Methyl bromide significantly contributed to the thinning of the ozone layer, and is also classified as Highly Toxic to aquatic organisms and is Toxic/Harmful to humans. The Montreal Protocol approved the elimination of methyl bromide. This substance has been prohibited in developed countries since 2005, while the ban was delayed to 2015 for developing countries.

The alternative to synthetic chemicals

The Bioflash method works by bringing the first layer of soil (20 cm) to a temperature between 65 and 80 °C and maintaining this treatment for about 20 minutes. Since most of the telluric plant parasites cannot survive at temperatures over 80 °C, this is extremely effective. It also respects the environment and the health of farmers and consumers, without destroying beneficial microflora and micro-organisms.

Horticulture and floriculture respecting the environment

The Bioflash method, while “purifying” the soil from weeds and pests, does not introduce any harmful substances into the environment, and poses no threat to the operator who performs the treatment, to useful micro-organisms or to the product that will be sown. The Bioflash system only uses steam and eco-compatible reagents. This is why it is also compatible with organic agriculture.


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