Celli Spa

New partnerships bloom for a broader international presence

With export that today accounts for between 70 to 75% of revenue (with an additional increase of 4% compared to last year), Celli continues to focus on new and emerging markets with a continuously growing sales network.

It is the case of Turkey, a country Celli recently entered thanks to a new partnership with a distributor that has requested various machines to sell in the territory, especially rotary tillers and folding power harrows. With their robustness and reliability, these machines make a perfect match with the hard soil that characterizes that area.

The network has also expanded with a new partner in Sweden. This strengthens Celli’s already consolidated presence in Scandinavia, where the company solutions designed and created for organic agriculture are highly valued (especially rotary tillers).

Other countries in which Celli has strengthened its presence can be added to these, such as Chile and Kazakhstan, where the first machines have already been sold: in particular, an Ares stone burier has recently been delivered, among others, to the Asian country.

Today, Celli products are present in over 70 countries worldwide. Most of these solutions have been custom designed for specific market requirements, which is surely one of the keys to the international success of this company, recognized today as one of the main players in the agricultural mechanization sector.

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